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- Insaniquarium Level 2-3
Amp the Eel
Insaniquarium - Tank 2 - 3 Getting Rufus The Fiddler Crab Subscribe ya ^^.
can electrocute the tank by making this electrocution sound, and you will see a yellow lightning mark on his body. If you click on him again, it will turn orange. Another click will make it red, and clicking him again will result in the shocking of
- 2) Buy expensive guppy, change time to (11:59:59 pm) feed fish 3 times and change time again and feed again repeat over until fish grows to large size sell it.
- Insaniquarium-Deluxe has a kind of cartoon look to it that I really do like. The fish have a lot of personality to them, just by their designs. I do wish that the soundtrack was a bit better as it can kind of get on your nerves after a while as it feels like you are hearing the same thing over and over again.
- This combo is a quick way to crank out some extra cash with little guilt. 7.3) Protective Custody Basic Level: 1) Wadsworth 2) Gumbo Enhanced Level: 3) Angie The Protective Custody Combo is mostly geared for those who want to protect their fish from total eradication with an insurance policy of your own!
your fish.
Bonus Pet Brinkly
Stars are not the only things that Brinkley throws. He will throw money in any form, including treasure chests. Note: The more valuable the item, the rarer. Also, he will not throw coins or beetles.
Bonus Pet Nostradamus
Bonus Pet Stanley
Bonus Pet Walter
Bring four pets to a level
Cheat Mode
Effect - Code
All fish look dead - zombie
Space background -space
White screen background - void
New breeder fish birth sound - welovebetatesters
New prego birth sound - supermegaultra
Displays time on tank - time
Original prego sound - prego
Background waves - wavy
Clyde the Jellyfish: (Story 6 of 33)
Easy shells
In virtual tank, set it up so you have Clyde, Seymour, and Zorf. Turn the screen saver on and they will earn you coins. Note: You must have some medium or large fish.
When in virtual tank, turn on screen saver mode. Allow fish to drop shells, show coins collected (power save mode is optional), and get a lot of fish. Then put Preggo, Zorf, and Stinky. Leave it running to accumulate a large number of shells.
Every day, buy a normal guppy and name it SANTA. It will turn into a Santa fish and drop bags worth 20 shells. Then, have Meryl, Presto, and Clyde (or Stinky). Change Presto into Meryl. Every time Meryl or Presto sings, Santa will drop three bags (each worth 20 shells).
This trick is useful if you want to easily get through the levels to reach the bonus round to earn more shells for your virtual tank after you have completed adventure mode. Take Amp, Angie, and Presto as your pets for any level. In the
beginning, change Presto into Prego, so that you can have a lot of guppies. When Amp is ready to shock the tank, change Presto into Angie, so that you have two Angies. Then, before you shock, buy as many guppies as you can. Then, shock the tank. You will get lots of diamonds, and will lose hardly any of your fish because the Angies will revive all of your fallen fish. You will most likely only lose about four to five fish.
When you are playing the game where the shells are falling and you must click on them and put them in the bucket, just click on any bags. You will get a massive combo and may even get over 2,000 shells when you finish.
Save up 15,000 shells. Buy a breeder. Raise it until it fully grows. Wait for the free fish. Sell the breeder. Then, wait for the baby fish to grow. Wait to it grows to a large one and it will be worth 10,000 shells. If you are lucky, it will grow into a
King guppy worth 15,000 shells. The breeder can be sold for about 5,000 to 15,000 shells, thus paying for itself.
In tank two in challenge, complete it ten times get 50,000 shells.
The tank three challenge reward is 20,000 shells. Pets: Clyde (collects shells), Seymour (take into all tanks; slows shells and increases total quantity gathered), Stanley (attacks all aliens but is especially helpful by exploding fireballs from Type U alien before fireball reaches targeted fish), Presto. Presto 1. Start out by changing into Shrapnel until you collect ten or more medium to large guppies. Change into Meryl. If there are tremendous amount of coins to collect after Meryl
sings, change into Stinky to help collect coins then change back into Meryl. When the alarm sounds, change into an alien fighter according to the type of pending alien as follows. For Alien Types D and U, Change into Angie (Stanley will explode most fireballs; Angie will revive most all fish killed). For Alien Types P and II, Change into Gash.
In the time trial mode, tank 2, bring in Clyde (Octopus), Meryl (Mermaid), Seymour (Turtle), and Presto. Start with Presto as Vert (Skeleton Fish). Collect as much money as you can and buy as many guppies as fast as possible. When you have the food upgrade options available, upgrade quickly to the pills. Also upgrade to dropping the maximum amount of food at a time. Once you have the food upgrades, buy a few helpers from the egg icon with the question mark. Try not to go over $800.00. Once you have lots of guppies dropping coins, change Presto into Stinky (Snail), even if one of the bonus pets you bought was already Stinky. Then, buy guppies until you find all you can do is feed fish. Let Clyde and
Stinky get your coins. You should end up with over a hundred thousand by using this system. If lucky enough to get two Stinkys collecting coins, it is possible to get over $150,000, which is about 7,000 or 8,000 shells. Note: Alien Type 'G' is usually the most common alien in this tank; upgrade the food to pills and maximum pills as fast as possible.
Fish feeding
Food upgrade for virtual tank
Gold trophy
Itchy the Swordfish: (Story 4 of 33)
ate Itchy's friends and this is when Itchy swore a blood oath to kill all aliens.
Meryl the Mermaid: (Story 9 of 33)

sponsored pop star. To her critics, Meryl would like to point out that she has never sold out by making a music video.
More shells
First, make a whole ton of users in the game. Ex. name them USER 1..USER9. Play as one of the users and get some shells (complete the first tank). Quit the game. Then look for the directory where you installed Insaniquarium, and
go into the userdata folder. Copy user1.dat and make as many copies of this file as you have users in the same folder. Ex. if you have 9 users, copy user1.dat 9 times. Then rename them to user2.dat, user3.dat.. etc.
Run Insaniquarium. Type 'give' in the menu screen and you'll see a box with all the users in it. From there, you can transfer all the shells to one user (preferably the first user). Close the box, and then in Meryl's voice bubble, click 'If this is not you..' and change users. Repeat shell transfers.
Quit the game and, again, copy user1.dat and repeat the renaming process.
New fish for sale
p.m. and repeating this process seven times. Note: For this to take effect, you must exit the game and reload it every time you change your clock.
Niko the Oyster: (Story 2 of 33)
mouth opening to a minimum.
Prego the Momma Fish: (Story 4 of 33)
183,240. I always get those two mixed up.'
Insaniquarium Level 2 3 0
1. Stinky: (2)
2. Niko: (2)
3. Itchy: (1)
4. Prego: (4)
5. Zorf: (3)
6. Clyde: (1)
7. Vert: (1)
8. Rufus: (4)
9. Meryl: (4)
10. Wadsworth: (3)
11. Brinkley: (1) or (4) if used correctly
12. Stanley: (3)
14. Nostradmus: (1) or (5) in VT
15. Gash: (0) or (4)
16. Amp: (1) or (3)
17. Rhubarb: (4) or (1)
18. Blip: (0) in Challenge or (4)
19. Gumbo: (3)
20. Sharpenal:(2)
21. Seymour:(3)
22. Nimbus: (1)
23. Presto: (4)
24. Angie: (5)
Recommended combos in 7 pets only
Best money team: Presto, Stinky, Niko, Clyde, Seymour, Nimbus, Meryl.
Best Population team: Prego, Presto, Wadsworth, Blip, Angie, Rhubarb, Zorf.
Recommended helper combo
Rufus the Fiddler Crab: (Story 8 of 33)
SandBox Mode and The Cheatcode from TWF
1.Get a Silver or Gold Trophy (It's more easier to get the Gold Trophy.how to unlock Gold trophy ,Unlock all stories from challenge mode)
2.At the Main Menu Screen, press the following buttons to activate SandBox Mode: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and you can now activate SandBox Mode.
Codes for SandBox Mode:
In SandBox Mode, here are some buttons to summon Items, Fishes and even Pets (Including BONUS pets!):
q - stinky
w - niko
e - itchy
r - prega
t - zorf
y - clyde
u - vert
i - rufus
o - meryl
p - wadsworth
a - seymour
s - sharpel
d - gumbo
f - blip
g - rhubarb
h - nimbus
j - amp
k - gash
l - angie
; - presto
Insaniquarium Level 2 3 Hacked
z - m= aliens(Note: Make sure the 'Caps Lock' is 'off')
Insaniquarium Free Online
(Note: Make sure the 'Caps Lock' is 'on')
The Cheat Code (from TWF (Thumb Wrestling Federation): If you know this series, you also seen an episode that Wasabi vs. Corbata was fighting. at that episode, sometime he will use his Signature Move: The Cheat Code (the Cheat Code is The SandBox Mode code). I'm done. | Submitted by GamerDude
Santa fish
Secret Virtual Tank Fish: Kilgore
Silver trophy
Stinky the Snail: (Story 1 of 33)
Strange hometowns
Unlimited shells
Remember the order. Refer to the user name on top as 'User 1' and the one on bottom as 'User 2'. Remember the user number for the user with the shells. Then enter the game folder (usually c:program filespopcap gamesinsaniquarium deluxe). Enter the 'userdata' folder in the game directory. Copy the user file (the number being either 1 or 2, depending on which user you want the shells to be transferred). Copy those user files and paste them in a safe place (such as the Windows Desktop). Then, give all of the shells from one player to the other. Exit the game and the move the user file you put in the safe location back into the 'userdata' folder in the game directory. Select 'Yes' or 'Yes to all' when asked if you want to overwrite the files. Start the game again. The user who you gave the shells to will still have those shells, but the user who gave that person the shells will still have the shells that you had in the beginning. You can do this repeatedly for unlimited shells.
Vert the Skeleton: (Story 7 of 33)
Wadsworth the Whale: (Story 10 of 33)
Zorf the Seahorse: (Story 5 of 33)
Get exclusive Insaniquarium Deluxe trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens
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Insaniquarium | |
Developer(s) | Flying Bear Entertainment |
Publisher(s) | PopCap Games |
Designer(s) | George Fan[1] |
Engine | PopCap Games Framework |
Platform(s) | Java, Palm OS, Windows Mobile,[2]Windows |
Release | Original: 31 August 2001 Version 2: May 2, 2002[1] Deluxe: September 1, 2004 |
Genre(s) | Puzzle, virtual pets |
Mode(s) | Single-player |
Insaniquarium is an insane fish and fish-tank simulator created by American studio Flying Bear Entertainment and published by PopCap Games.
Insaniquarium Deluxe features pets, various modes of gameplay, and a type of currency called 'shells'. Shells are collected as the game progresses, and they can be used to create a custom Insaniquariumscreen saver, to buy bonus pets or to increase the number of pets allowed in each tank.
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Flying Bear Entertainment first released Insaniquarium as a free, Java-based online game in August of 2001.[3] During development a member of the team purchased a goldfish and examined its movements and behaviour.[4] Development continued over the following year, with continual release of new content and features, culminating in PopCap Games' publication in July 2002 of the second online version.[5] In 2003, Astraware released a mobile adaptation for PDAs,[3] and in 2006 Glu Mobile released one for feature phones.[6]
Insaniquarium 2 Free
The latest version, Insaniquarium Deluxe, was released on September 1, 2004 for PC.
Kingdom rush pc full crack version. Players must manage a tank of guppies and other aquatic creatures, and each stage begins with two guppies in the tank or one breeder which creates guppies.[7] Guppies and other fish drop money, which can be collected by the player and used to purchase fish food and upgrades, such as more aquatic creatures, more filling food, and powerful lasers to repel attackers.[8] Each creature must be kept alive by feeding, whether through fish food bought by the player or other species of fish in the tank. In addition to feeding fish, the player must protect the fish from aliens that periodically enter the tank and attempt to eat the fish. The aliens must be clicked on repeatedly with the mouse pointer in order to defeat them.[9] The deluxe version of Insaniquarium contains nine different aliens, but in the original Java version there are four.
Insaniquarium can be played in Adventure, Time Trial, Challenge Mode, or Virtual Tank. A secret sandbox mode can be accessed when the player wins a silver or a golden trophy, by entering the Konami Code at the main menu screen - it allows full access to unlimited amounts of fish, pets and aliens.
Neo geo roms hacking. In adventure mode, a player advances through five tanks. Tanks 1-4 have five levels but Tank 5 has only one level in which a player must beat Cyrax, the final boss in order to complete the game. In each level the player must earn enough money to buy 3 egg pieces to advance to the next level. For the first time playing the game, at the end of each level of a tank, the player receives a new pet from the egg. Initially, up to 3 pets could be brought to the tank to help the player, though the player could buy the privilege to bring more pets each level later on with more shells.
Time Trial mode restricts the player to completing the first tank in five minutes and in ten minutes for the three subsequent tanks. Egg pieces no longer count towards finishing a level, but instead add a random pet into the tank (always starting with three pets or four if the player buys the four pet limit). Each piece cost doubles the previous one, with the first shell starting at $100, until the shell value is maxed out at $99999 starting from the eleventh shell. The goal of the Time Trial mode is to make as much money as possible; a 5% of the total money earned will be transformed into shells.
Challenge mode is similar to Adventure mode, but the cost of each item on the board rises by 1% for every five seconds of game time. Buying an egg piece resets the cost of all of the items except for the other egg pieces (the current price will freeze), and several seconds afterwards the costs will start to rise again. The difficulty and number of aliens allowed in the tank also rise as time progresses. Unlike in the adventure mode, after five minutes all purchase options are open so that there is no need to purchase specific upgrades or special fish to be able to buy other items or egg pieces.
The virtual tank mode is where a player can use shells earned during the Adventure/Time Trial/Challenge modes to buy virtual fish in the tank. These fish also get hungry but they never die, and instead, they have mood levels in which they get depressed when neglected. All fish in virtual tanks lay shells instead of coins. Super mario multiverse download.
Insaniquarium has received generally positive reviews from critics. IGN gave heavy praise to Insaniquarium for being a puzzle game that uses resource management and gave it a score of 8.3/10.[10]
Insaniquarium Level 2-3
- ^ ab'Insaniquarium Readme: Credits'. Archived from the original on 2011-06-12.
- ^'Insaniquarium'. PC Magazine. 2004-04-06. Retrieved 2017-10-29.
- ^ ab'Flying Bear Entertainment'. Retrieved 2020-05-25.
- ^McConnaughy, Tim. 'IGF:Insaniquarium'. GameSpy. Archived from the original on 2009-05-12. Retrieved 2008-04-04.
- ^Sikora, Drew. 'Interview with Flying Bear Entertainment'. GameDev.net. Retrieved 2017-10-29.
- ^GamesIndustry International (13 April 2006). 'Glu Announces the Launch of Insaniquarium Deluxe for Mobile Phones, PopCap's Addictive Aquarium-themed Hit'. gamesindustry.biz. Retrieved 24 May 2020.
- ^Rupert, Samantha (2006-05-30). 'Insaniquarium Deluxe Review (PC)'. gamedaily.com. Retrieved 2008-04-14.
- ^Bibby, Jay (2004-06-04). 'Insaniquarium'. Jay Is Games. Retrieved 2017-10-29.
- ^Palley, Steve (2005-08-26). 'PC Insaniquarium Deluxe Review'. GameSpot. Archived from the original on 2008-12-06. Retrieved 2008-04-04.
- ^'Insaniquarium'. Imagine Games Network. 2006-03-09. Retrieved 2017-10-29.
External links[edit]