The Sims 4 does have a fair share of traits that we can pick from.
But many of them can get quite repetitive if you’re one of those who like to have a ton of Sims in one town.
2015 - sims 4 cc disney princess - Google Search. 2015 - sims 4 cc disney princess - Google Search. 2015 - sims 4 cc disney princess - Google. SYUSIMS 【TRUCOS Y RETOS DE LOS SIMS】. Jun 19, 2020 - Requires: Slice of Life Mod Compatible with versions: 4.4 and 4.5 These overlays replace the original overlays used in the 'Slice of life' mod. With this add-on, the overlays will be anime themed. You can only choose one add-on for the slice of life mod! How to Install Add-On 1. Open your mods folder and delete the 'SO.
It gets to a point where all sims have the same traits over and over again. And that’s when an injection of much-needed variety comes in handy.
As such I’ve compiled a list of the best custom traits add-ons that we can install for The Sims 4, all thanks to the work of a group of fantastic modders.
All of these mods are 100% free, and they can be downloaded using any of the links below. Have a gander and see what you think.
35. Alcoholic Trait
Alright I know you might’ve thought that this was going to be quite a lighthearted list, but I’m starting it with the darkest trait of them all.
The Alcoholic Trait makes your sims live depending on alcohol, which means that they will often get depressed for no apparent reason.
And they’ll only be happy when they’re having a drink or three.
For alcoholic sims, it’s never really too early to have a drink.
It’s up to you to control them or watch them burst through their minibar to make themselves a morning margarita.
34. Lot Traits
The Lot Traits pack allows you to select specific traits for a lot, allowing you to have a better level of customization in your towns and cities.
With Lot Traits you’ll be adding a bunch of new options and customizability to the game environment.
Banks, airports, train stations, bakeries, and much more.
All of them will be available to be selected as lot traits with this mod! Sounds kinda like Sim City huh?
33. Lifestyle Traits
This mod adds four new lifestyle traits to the game, two of which are very political.
You can have your sim be a Republican or a Democrat, which I actually find hilarious because the game avoids politics as much as any other.
However I’m including this mod because it adds the Meditator and All Rounder traits, which make fantastic additions to the game.
32. Hobby Traits
If you don’t like your sim to be an outright alcoholic but you still want them to enjoy a few drinks, then this mod has a trait that’ll serve you well.
The mod itself adds 4 new hobby traits to the game, one of which is the Bar Drinker trait.
Cute right?
It also adds Chess Lover as well as Coffee Lover and Beauty Lover.
Get your sims invested in what they love and select what that is for them before they are “born”.
31. Bossy Trait
This seems like a trait that could’ve easily have been in the base game.
So naturally, it’s one that I’m adding to my list.
The Bossy trait makes it so any sim that has it feels superior to the rest, which in turn makes them think that they can boss everyone else around.
It makes the sim a bit annoying. But we have to deal with people like this in our lives all the time, so why wouldn’t those who live in sim world be subjected to the same fate?
30. Handsome Trait
The Handsome Trait is fantastic for those looking to create a good-looking sim and have others recognize him for it.
This trait makes it so making friends is much easier, and every female sim will also be far more interested in your male sim than any others.
With great power comes great responsibility, though.
So be careful with how you influence others with your charming good looks.
29. Autism in Sims 4
This is a pretty serious trait mod, but one that everyone looking for a realistic experience should have in their game.
The Autism trait make sit so sims act as if they had autism – they repeat the same activities over and over again, they have issues communicating and performing any type of social activities. And they can only speak to others about a handful of topics.
It’s not a mod that’ll make your sims better in any way.
But it does add a lot of realism to the game and puts things into perspective for your others sims; figuratively speaking.
28. Arrogant Trait
Arrogant sims are extremely confident (being confident is their default emotion) and they absolutely hate failure.
They suffer negative status changes by failing or getting embarrassed in front of others.
It’s a very well-made trait, and I really enjoy having the option to make my sim a bit of an arrogant prick if I’m doing one of “those” playthroughs.
27. Feminine & Manly Traits
The Feminine and Manly traits allow your sims to feel more connected to their roots.
And each of these mods comes with one additional status change depending on random factors.
The mood of your manly sim can change and have him be more confident, or the mood of your female sim can change to have her be happier.
A cool little mod, even though these traits don’t change that much.
26. Blessed & Cursed Traits
I think you can already imagine what these traits do – they basically change the life of a sim without them having any control of what happens.
The cursed trait will make your sim’s life a bit of a living hell, whilst the blessed trait will make the life of your sim feel like they’re in heaven.
Which one would you rather have? I know which one is certainly more fun.
25. New Emotional Traits
These amazing emotional traits are basically extreme versions of other traits in the game.
You’ll have a Stoic sim, for example, which is a sim that is always super calm.
You may also have an Egghead sim which is a genius that always seems to be talking about nerdy stuff and might bore other sims with their jib-jab.
I love this because it truly makes every sim more unique than they are in the base game – extreme emotions are common among people and they should be in Simland too.
24. Two-Faced Trait
“Two-Faced Sims are untrustworthy, dishonest and backstabbing.”
Well, damn. That’s one hell of a description.
I’m guessing this trait is based on someone they know in real life or a bad breakup… but hey, let’s not complain and hope they’re doing better now!
This mod adds the ability for sims to be untrustworthy pricks. That should totally have been in the base game.
23. Spiritual Trait
Get in touch with yourself and with nature with the spiritual trait, which will make your sim feel more attached with the things we can’t see but make us feel more pure.
Having good karma is important for many people.
And now it will be important for many sims as well.
It’s time to balance those energies that float around and keep your sim in the purest of states of mind.
22. Anxious Trait
If you want a challenging but realistic trait mod then this is the one you’ll want to download.
The Anxious Trait mod makes your sim incapable of controlling their anxiety, which will result in a generalized increase of panic attacks and the inability to keep a hold of themselves in many situations that wouldn’t cause any issues to other sims.
It’s based on a real disease, so be ready to enter a new plane of realism with this trait.
Trust me it won’t be fun at all. That’s why I’m adding it to the list!
21. Bipolar Trait
The Bipolar Trait is another trait that makes it to this list not because it’s extremely fun, but moreso because it’s very realistic.
It makes your sim prone to having massive mood swings and basically turning into a bit of a maniac.
You’ll see your sim enter depressed states all of a sudden with no explanation. Well, as your Sim god I think you know why.
A realistic mod, but just like the autism and anxious traits, this is going to be challenging to play with.
Many people suffer from this so it’s natural for sims to go through something similar as well. This mod allows that to happen!
20. Naïve Trait
Here’s a fun trait that is actually very reflective of how many people are in real life.
The Naïve add-on makes it so that sims are not able to pick up social skills easily.
But they will also get less embarrassed by certain situations with others because they simply don’t have the ingrained social qualities.
They also open up far easier to other sims, as they don’t think others will hurt them. So that leaves room for lots of mayhem.
19. Author Trait
Sure, you can have the aspiration to be an author.
But with this mod, you will be able to have the trait as well!
Experience the thrill of creating fictional situations and have it as your passion by adding this trait to one of your sims.
It’s a fantastic complement for anyone that has the goal of becoming a best-selling author, and an overall fun one to have if you plan to make a sim that lives off writing royalties.
18. Boyfriend & Girlfriend Material Traits
These two complementary traits make sims much more prone to enjoying the time they spend together.
Being with their partner will increase their mood by a landslide, and finding that special someone is sure to make them the happiest sims in their respective blocks.
If you’re going for a serious relationship playthrough this mod is a must-have!
17. ADHD Trait
Looking for a challenge, are you?
Well give this mod a test run and tell me what you think of it.
It makes sims become bored at a much quicker rate, and also makes it harder for them to maintain any sort of serious relationship with others.
They will be friendlier and easier to interact with, but they’ll struggle to focus at work or at school.
It has a few benefits for sure. But it’ll mostly make your playthrough a bit more of a challenge(which can be fun too).
16. Insecure Trait
A nice little mod that will make your sim always feel embarrassed by being the most insecure person in the room.
It also makes them unable to feel confident, so be prepared to struggle if you want to maintain any sort of relationship or find that special someone.
15. Mama’s Witch Trait
Nope, this is not a negative trait mod.
Don’t be too judgmental on witches – not all of them are bad!
The Mama’s Witch Trait mod allows witch sims to be friendlier and much more open to others, and it will also give them the ability to gain certain skills much faster than other sims.
They can’t be tense or bored, and they will always be focused. It’s a very positive trait mod you’ve gotta believe me!
14. 7 New Traits Teen Pack
It’s time for those teenage sims to be able to feel more emotions that real teenagers feel.
As such, this mod adds 7 new traits that can only be obtained by sims on their teenage years.
The traits all come with custom icons that make them fit right in with the other traits in the game.
Variety is always welcome, and the New Traits Pack is the way to go if you’re looking for it.
13. Depression Trait
We’ve all gone through our own periods of depression in our lives, right?
I don’t think that’s just me. And if it is, I want my sim to come along for the ride.
The depression trait makes your sim prone to having the same emotional issues that we all get when we’re depressed.
The trait doesn’t make your sim clinically depressed.
But it does make it feel very much like it.

In any case, if you want a challenging experience with your playthrough this is one of the trait mods that I totally recommend snagging.
12. Baby Maker Trait
Having fertility issues?
Worry not, my friend, there’s no need to go to a fertility clinic when you can simply put the Baby Maker trait into use.
With this mod your male sims will be far more likely to put a baby in whoever they choose to sleep with.
As with others in this list, I must repeat: with great power comes great responsibility.
They will truly become freaks of nature with this add-on and almost every woohoo will end up with them having children.
11. Internet Kid Trait
This trait does seem like a pretty weird one to have in an adult.
But the Internet Kid trait is the one you want if you’re looking to have your sim spend countless hours on the computer like you did when you were younger.
This basically turns every sim into a computer freak that never gets bored of staring into a screen.
Sounds a bit too familiar to me…
It’s meant to be used mainly by sims up to the age of teenagers, as afterward it would just be a tad weird to have the trait on them.
It works on adults too though, so don’t worry. We can all be PC-addicted in our fantasy games.
10. WooHoo Lover Trait
The Woohoo lover trait makes the sim that has it basically addicted to woohoo.
You will get buffs to your sim’s emotions every time they engage in woohoo with other sims.
Many people who play the game are freaks, let’s face it. And that’s why mods like this one are so popular.
In any case, the Woohoo lover trait is by far one of the best for a freaky Sims 4 session.
All buffs last for 4 hours as well so be wise to use your new woohooing abilities in strategic situations.
9. Siren Trait
Sirens are flirty entities that can basically engage socially much better than any other sim in the game.
You will be able to level up your social skills much quicker than with any other sim (and this also includes mischief).
The only disadvantage of playing one of these sims is that the relationships and bonds that they have with others are also quick to decay much faster than your average sim.
This always puts your sim on a flirty mood as well.
It really does fit women much better than men, as it makes far more sense in terms of the effects of the trait as well as its essence.
8. Reaper Trait
Why hack the game to make the Grim Reaper a playable character when you can add the Grim Reaper trait instead?
This mod makes it so certain sims act pretty much like Death itself.
They will not be able to die, and as time goes by, they will become apathetic to being alive for so long. Causing them quirky side effects like not wanting to be around anymore.
Yeah this is getting pretty dark really fast.
In any case, it’s quite a unique mod and one that differs from the rest of the trait mods on my list.
I loved it, and I’m sure you will too!
7. Shy Trait
Finally a mod that represents us shy people!
It kind of makes us look bad, but we are a bit like this trait portrays.
Realtek high definition audio driver windows 7. With the shy trait most of your social interactions will become really awkward and your sim will basically fail at doing most of them.
This is one of those traits that makes the game a tad more challenging.
Some of us play with this trait in real life, and if you like your sims to act like you do then this is the one you might like to install.
I personally like this more than the other socially akward traits because it feels more “realistic”, if that makes sense.
6. Zoophobic Trait
Your sim will never be able to stare at another wild animal the same after you install the zoophobic trait.
It will make your sims irrationally scared to the wild creatures of the sim world, and you’ll have to deal with that to prevent them from having panic attacks.
Odd, but frankly most on this list are just plain strange.
It’s a fun little trait that adds a bit of challenge to the game but doesn’t make it ridiculously hard.
5. Culinary Inept Trait
Alright let me be honest and tell you why this trait is ranked so high up on my list – I’m a terrible cook.
I make a killer chicken, but other than that, the taste of the food I prepare is miles from where I actually want it to be.
It’s taking me a lot of time to get better at it. Do you see where I’m going with this?
Yes, this mod makes it so sims become exactly like me. Yay!
It adds a bit more realism too, as sims tend to pick up cooking quite quickly even when they haven’t done it before.
Feel the struggle of making terrible pancakes like me with this mod.
4. More Traits For Kids
Kids in the Sims universe seem to not have enough traits to pick from, and this mod aims to change that.
You will be able to select far more traits for your kids once you install this mod, which will allow you to play with more diversity even at the younger stages of a sim’s life.
Boost up the life of toddlers and make the game far more entertaining with these traits.
3. Gamer Trait
Become a true gamer in the Sims world.
With the gamer trait you will be able to level up your gaming skill much faster than the average sim.
If you think you’re good enough to become a streamer and make money out of it, then the Gamer Trait mod is the one you’ll want to install.
And if you can’t live it in real life then isn’t that exactly what The Sims is for?
Playing video games well is no easy feat. But some people do have a knack for it.
This trait will turn your sim into one of these people – make the best out of it and get those streamer simoleons.
2. Drama Queen Trait
Become the typical movie girlfriend with the Drama Queen trait.
This mod will make every sim that has the trait throw a tantrum over the most trivial of details, making them quite annoying to live or deal with.
Many people are like this, and I’m sure you’ve come across your fair share of drama queens in your life. It’s time to bring reality into virtual reality.
This would also seem like a trait that could’ve made its way to the base game, so if you’re looking for vanilla-friendly traits I would say you’ve come across one of the best you can find.
1. The Singer Trait
It’s so frustrating that singing is barely a skill and you can’t make a career out of it.
Even the musical branches make you either play piano or guitar! Why can’t we become singers, dammit?!
Well this trait won’t let you become a singer. There are career mods that allow you to do that, but with the singer trait your sim will have a natural knack for singing and will become much better at mastering the vocal arts.
Again, if real life doesn’t match up just bring it over to The Sims.
Bust your local chords with the singer trait and outshine the rest of the artists that roam your virtual cities.
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Vampires have been part of our collective for hundreds of years, at least in one way or another.
And considering just how popular they are nowadays (thanks Twilight) it’s no surprise they also found their way into The Sims 4.
The Vampire Game Pack was released way back in 2017 which added vampirism, vampire powers, and a new residential world called Forgotten Hollow where these creatures of the dark prefer to live their “lives”.
It was a massive content update with new aspirations, traits, and a lot of CAS additions. And yet, people still don’t have enough.
New vampire CC is still some of the most requested by players. And modders work tirelessly to deliver.
If you’re one of those people that just can’t get enough of the mysterious bloodsucking creatures, well then this gallery is for you.
17. Vampire Sun Immunity
Do you know what sets vampires from Sims 4 and Twilight apart?
TS4 vampires wither and die within seconds of being under the sun, while those in Twilight just… sparkle.
Well this mod by creator RevyRei won’t make your vampires sparkle.
But it will make them immune to the sun’s UV rays.
Now your trendy Millenial nosferatu can freely enjoy the beach, picnics in the park, and going to Coachella with the squad without worrying about the Reaper visiting them.
16. Vampires – Free Perks
Another somewhat cheaty but useful addition to your Sims 4 mod library is this freebie by modder Baibaihe.
As you probably got from the name, this simply makes all vampire perks free so you won’t need to spend any points to become the best vampire that ever was.
It’s ideal both for outright cheating, or just softening the difficulties of vampirism by getting stuff like Tamed Thirst so you don’t need to kill.
Alternatively there’s a toned-down version that only makes the perks cheaper, to streamline your vampire’s progression without outright removing it. So it’s not totally game-breaking that way.
15. Vampires – No Weakness
And why stop at making perks free? Why not also remove any downsides to vampirism?
Both of these mods are just meant to let you play around freely without worries or limitations.
After all, didn’t your Sim become an immortal being to have fun?
Or you can also choose to make a Sim with every single weakness, a wretched being full of hatred and frustration! Why?
I don’t really know.
But what matters is that you can.
14. Slower Thirst Decay
Have you ever felt like your vampires are a bit on the greedy side?
Just a couple of neck sips a week should be enough to keep them going… and yet, they seem to want to drink the whole neighborhood.
With this small tweak by modder Baibaihe your vampire’s thirst motive will decay half as fast. So you don’t have to worry about having to risk your life hunting in the middle of the day.
I mean sure, you could make some plasma packs. But who wants to hunt that many frogs?
13. Turn Into Vampire Always Succeeds
Another minor inconvenience that vampire Sims may run into from time to time is wanting to turn someone into a vampire and failing in the process.
Especially during the day.
Thanks to this simple tweak by modder Couch, trying to turn another Sim into a denizen of the night will never fail. This actually lets you turn everyone in your town into your blood-bound slave, if you desire.
12. Plasma Pack from Plasma Fruit
One of the few ways for a vampire to avoid having to feed off another Sim is to make Plasma Packs by processing frogs or fish into bootleg blood bags.
But isn’t that a bit unfair towards them?
Prolific creator LittleMsSam certainly thinks so.
Which is why she made this simple mod that lets you take Plasma Fruit and turn it into Plasma Packs rather than eat it directly.
They’re 50% better at quenching your thirst, surpassing even homemade Plasma Packs made out of the previously mentioned critters.
This is ideal for Sims with the Good Vampire aspiration.
11. Vampires: Stop Pestering Me!
One of the first things you’ll notice after installing the Vampires Game Pack and meeting some bloodsuckers is that they’re very insistent on trying to consume you at inconvenient times.
They’ll make creepy calls, invite you to sketchy places, and even break into your home to try and suck you dry every other day.
Long story short, they can be unbearable for the average sim.
Now thanks to this mod by Vwaryloth you can rest easy knowing vampires can’t invade your home. They’ll also stop being creepy towards you, and Vlad will simply leave you alone.
10. Harvestable Heart Tree
I love trees that grow things that aren’t fruit.
The trees that grow money in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are a prime example. And now, so are Vampire Heart Trees in TS4.
This mod by IceMunMun was meant to serve as a sort of Valentine’s Day celebration for vampires, introducing edible Vampire Hearts that fill their thirst.
And it can even be used to cook vampire food given the recipe uses fruits.
These hearts grow from a very special tree that you can plant and nurture yourself, and it may grow different kinds of heart fruit that not only glows different colors, but will give you moodlets like Flirty or Happy.
It just adds to the fun, really.
9. Airianna’s Vampire Tweaks
There are a couple things about vampire gameplay that simply make no sense.

Things like always being out of vampire energy, and the fact that several traits related to hunger or energy do not affect them.
Thanks to these Vampire Tweaks by modder Airianna, Vampires will now use Dark Meditation to replenish their Vampire Energy whenever they’re idle.
And some traits like Hardly Hungry and Never Weary have been modified to affect Thirst and Vampire Energy in the same way they do normal sims.
They’re small changes, I’ll admit.
But after a few hours with this mod you won’t be able to go back.
8. Vampire Powers
Instead of simply installing a mod that cheats your way out of avoiding the sun or having to drink human blood, consider this immersive alternative by modder LittleMsSam.
The way this mod works is adding a couple of extra powers your vampires can spend their vampire energy on, including enabling their mirror reflection, stopping uncontrollable hissing, and becoming immune to sunlight.
These effects are temporary and will fade away after seven in-game days. So they’re perfect for those times when you just wish your sim could attend a specific daylight event.
7. KM Vampire Eyes
If you’re just looking for a bit more variety in your vampire Sims’ looks, KM Vampire Eyes is something you can’t pass up.
This mod by creator KittyMeow adds 10 new eye colors and some variations, available for all sims if you’d like, but intended to be used on vampires.
Among the most unique are a couple that turn the sclera (the white of the eye) completely black, which creates a great contrast with bright iris colors.
6. Vampirify – Vampire Creation Spell
In a world where vampires are real, learning the most you can about them is a matter of life and death.
And this is something that anyone well-versed in the magical arts should be keenly aware of.
With this mod by R3M, studying so much vampire lore will eventually give spellcasters the Vampirify spell. Which not only turns anyone into a vampire, but makes whoever cast the spell into their master.
All of this despite not being bloodsuckers themselves. Dark, yeah?
As a bonus they’ll also gain a spell to reverse vampirism and turn denizens of the night back into normal humans, which is an invaluable skill for anyone living close to a vampire den.
5. Vampires Can Kill
Despite being named “Vampires Can Kill”, this mod by Zer0 is actually a collection of vampire-related tweaks that go beyond whether drinking blood can end a life.
Its primary feature is, of course, adding the possibility to kill other sims by over-drinking. Whether on purpose or by accident.
For some of you I know it’s no accident. Remember all those years of removing the ladder out of the swimming pool?
But by far the most interesting addition from this mod is turning all sims into cattle through the Manipulate Life Spirit interaction, binding them to the vampire in a sort of symbiotic relationship.
Cattle Sims are only happy when they’re serving their master. But will slowly wither away and die as the vampire sucks them dry, bringing their story to a tragic end. How fun, yet tragic. Yet fun!
4. Immersive Vampires
Another amazing mod by vampire-lover and modder Zer0 is Immersive Vampires.
This makes living as a vampire sim not only more realistic, but overall more engaging.
It fleshes-out vampire gameplay by giving you the possibility to confess your vampirisim to other Sims, either to scare them or because they’re your friends and you just want them to know.
However not all Sims will react the same. And they all have their own opinions on vampirekind based on their traits and past experiences.
You can try to convince them vampires aren’t that bad, but you won’t always succeed. And some might even become vampire hunters and make it their life’s mission to unmask you and your kind.
3. Event: Vampire Initiation Ritual
Willingly becoming a vampire is something that does not always get treated with severity.
You’re becoming an immortal. That’s got to be at least as important as a wedding!
Polish creator IlkaVelle took it upon herself to make an event out of it, complete with a Senior Vampire host and both vampire and human guests.
If you manage to pull off a good turning party you’ll get a sizable starter pack including Plasma Packs, Plasma Fruits, the Ultimate Vampire Tome and even a Coffin so you can sleep in peace. How sweet.
2. Darkside Vampire Career
Rumors have been circulating all around town about the Darkside Club.
This is a new nightclub with a secret… it’s actually a hub for vampire operations and entertainment.
This mod by TiaraM opens the doors to three different career paths, all beginning at the Darkside.
Whether you want to become the vampires’ plaything, turn into a denizen of the night yourself, or devote your life to hunt them – it’s up to you.
Personally, I think becoming a premium escort for vampires and getting paid to let them suck my blood sounds like a dream job. Better than McDonald’s, at least.
1. Bloodborne Aspiration
Based on Vampires “Don’t Sleep Alone: Your Guide to Meeting, Dating, and Seducing a Vampire” by Elizabeth Barrial, this mod by creator Sresla introduces a new aspiration for vampire sims bent on discovering the truth about their ancestry.
And it’s a doozy.
Sims 4 Anime Hair Mod
You’ll go through several stages, learning about vampires and completing tasks that little by little reveal the truth about your Vampiric Caste.
If you’re looking for something to give your adventures a bit of narrative structure, the Bloodborne aspiration might be your ticket to hours of fun.
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Mods Para Los Sims 4
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